The Kemptville Youth Musical Theatre Company (KYMTC) Code of Conduct includes policies that provide expectations, overall guidance, and direction to cast members, campers, and volunteers working for KYMTC.
The code applies at all times when cast members, crew members, and all adults and youth volunteering to perform tasks to support KYMTC are engaged in activities for, and/or are representing, KYMTC. Youth participating in a KYMTC camp program are also subject to the expectations and prohibited behaviours outlined in this Code.
Representing KYMTC
No one shall not contact organizations or individuals on behalf of KYMTC nor represent KYMTC (outside the scope of their assigned work) themselves, unless they are given express direction to do so by KYMTC. Prior to any action or statement that may significantly affect KYMTC, the issue shall be discussed with KYMTC. These actions may include, but are not limited to, public statements to the press, posts on social media, discussions regarding KYMTC business with other organizations, and/or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations.
Everyone is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary (e.g. financial) or privileged (e.g. private conversations overheard by a third party) information to which they are exposed while a cast member, camper, or volunteer. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in corrective action by KYMTC.
Physical Contact Policy
At KYMTC, we prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants- which includes all cast members, crew members, production team members, and anyone supporting KYMTC activities. Any physical contact (with an exception for the gestures noted below) between adult production team members and youth cast or crew is prohibited. Gestures such as hand shakes, fist bumps, and high fives are allowed as the youth may choose to not contribute to the action. In some specific cases, limited physical contact between production team members and cast members is required (e.g. adjusting a cast member’s stance during the blocking of a scene). In these cases, the youth must provide their permission before there is any physical contact.
Youth cast members and youth volunteers should also be aware of how their behaviour affects other youth and should always be respectful of the safety and personal space of other youth and should seek permission before initiating any physical contact with another youth.
This policy ensures that all interactions are respectful and appropriate, fostering a comfortable and secure environment for everyone. KYMTC’s goal is to maintain a space where young people feel safe, valued, and empowered to express themselves creatively.
Posting on Social Media
Everyone must remember that although their social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc.) are for their personal use, their behaviour on social media before, during, and after the show has the potential to harm KYMTC’s reputation and may jeopardize their relationship with KYMTC.
Everything that is posted, even on a private page, has the potential to circulate out to a wider, public audience. When you are posting on social media you must always keep in mind that your words, pictures, videos, and/or audio files are permanent and can become public.
The following are some guidelines to consider when you use social media to post about KYMTC:
- Think carefully before you post anything;
- Respect all policies and guidelines;
- Post only about what is already public knowledge (e.g. don’t share pictures of the Main Show set before opening night);
- If you’re not sure if something is safe to post, you probably shouldn’t post it;
- Correct any mistakes quickly, should you make them; and,
- Use common sense and good judgment when posting information via social media.
At KYMTC, we want to create a respectful and supportive environment for all cast and crew members. KYMTC requires that anyone wishing to take photos of the cast or crew obtains explicit permission from the individuals involved before posting them on social media. This ensures that everyone feels comfortable and valued, allowing for a positive experience both on and off the stage.
Additionally, to protect the integrity of our production, we prohibit taking photos of the set or costumes and posting them on social media before opening night. This helps maintain the element of surprise for our audience and respects the hard work and creativity of our design team. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines, as we work together to create an amazing theatrical experience for everyone involved.
Copyright/Ownership Issues
Material produced for KYMTC – including documents, graphics materials, web page designs, etc., become the property of KYMTC when submitted.
Service at the Discretion of KYMTC (Volunteers Only)
KYMTC accepts the service of all volunteers with the understanding that such service is at the sole discretion of KYMTC. Volunteers agree that KYMTC may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to terminate the volunteer’s relationship with KYMTC.
Ending Your Volunteer Role (Volunteers Only)
A volunteer can cease their volunteering with KYMTC at any time. If possible, it is preferred that such action takes place after the completion of their work duty and/or assignment, or when they are not actively engaged in an assignment.
Dismissal of a Cast Member, Camper, or Volunteer
Cast Members, Campers, or Volunteers who do not adhere to the rules, procedures, and policies of KYMTC are subject to dismissal.
Acceptance Letter (Cast Members Only)
As a condition of their being offered a role in the production, all cast members signed an Acceptance Letter (if applicable), which included a number of conditions and expectations. This Code of Conduct expands on those expectations and provides additional information and guidance.
General Expectations
Your involvement with KYMTC should be an enjoyable experience. The following are some of the expectations of a volunteer:
- Have fun and enjoy the experience;
- Respect the Code of Conduct;
- Be supportive and encouraging to everyone;
- Always be respectful, courteous, friendly, and cooperative;
- Respect the property of KYMTC, the theatre, other volunteers, and members of the general public.
- Respect the directions and decisions you receive from your supervisors;
- Refrain from acts that may result in injury- such as horseplay;
- Perform your duties to the best of your abilities and advise your immediate supervisor if you are having difficulties carrying out your assigned tasks; and,
- Deal with conflicts or difficulties in an appropriate manner- bring serious or unresolved issues or concerns to the attention of KYMTC.
Prohibited Behaviours
Participation in KYMTC as a cast member, volunteer, or camper is subject to the observance of the KYMTC’s rules, procedures, and policies. The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct is subject to discipline, up to and including removal as a cast member, volunteer, or camper:
- Verbally or physically aggressive, abusive, or threatening behaviour towards anyone- including a cast member, camper, volunteer, patron, facility employee, or member of the general public;
- Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or non-prescription or illegal drugs while on-duty and/or at the theatre or rehearsal facility, or reporting for duty while under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
- Theft of KYMTC property or the property of another person, business, or organization;
- Any conduct that endangers the life, safety, health or well-being of others;
- Failure to follow any KYMTC policy or procedure;
- Bullying, harassing, or taking unfair advantage of anyone- whether in-person, via social media, or through a third-party (e.g. spreading rumours);
- Actions or language intended to humiliate another;
- Unwelcome sexual language or actions;
- Racial slurs or language intended to insult another person’s religion, race, or sexual orientation;
- Committing an offence that contravenes local, provincial, or federal law; and,
- Insubordination and/or failing to follow the direction of a supervisor or their designate.
All KYMTC cast members, volunteers, and campers agree, as a condition of their participation, that they have read and understood the Volunteer Code of Conduct. They further agree to abide by the rules described above and they understand that KYMTC may take corrective action if they violate any of these rules.